What is the NDIS?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme or NDIS is a way for people with a disability under the age of 65 to get the care and supports they need. The NDIS is for people with a permanent and significant lifelong disability which impacts on their ability to take part in everyday activities.
Before the NDIS was introduced, the funding you received depended on how, when and where you acquired your disability, as well as where you lived. Some people got enough funding, some people got none.
The Federal Government agreed that people with a disability deserved a fairer system and more choice and control that is why in July 2013, the NDIS was introduced. The rollout across Australia was completed in mid-2020.
The NDIS provides funding for lots of different things. You will choose when and where you receive these supports.
NDIS at Eloma Care
Eloma Care pricing for NDIS funded supports are identical to the prices set and regulated by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA.)
TTP Prices apply to relevant support items, these Prices are current as of October, 2024 and maybe subject to change as NDIA revises its prices.
Who is eligible for the NDIS?
Eligibility for the NDIS depends on a few different things such as:
To qualify for the NDIS, you must be under the age of 65 years at the time of your initial application to qualify for NDIS funding.
To be eligible you must either be an Australian citizen, hold a permanent residency visa, or be an NZ citizens who hold a Protected Special Category Visa.
You must have a permanent disability that significantly affects how you can communicate, move, care for yourself, or manage your life.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the NDIS?
The NDIS is The National Disability Insurance Scheme. It’s a way for people with a disability, under the age of 65, to get the care and supports they need. The NDIS is for people with a permanent and significant disability which impacts on their ability to take part in everyday activities. The NDIS will access the level of funding you require to help you live your life and achieve your goals they will allocate you funding to pay for these supports.
When was the NDIS introduced?
In July 2013, the NDIS was introduced and was rolled out across Australia over a number of years. The rollout was completed by July 2020. Read more about the roll out here
Can my family be involved in the NDIS process?
The choice is yours, you can invite family members to be a part of your planning process.
What does the NDIS fund?
The NDIS will fund reasonable and necessary supports you or your loved one need to live a healthy and happy life and achieve your goals. Supports may include education, employment, community and social participation, independence, living arrangements, health and well-being.
Can I change my NDIS service provider?
You have full choice and control regarding service providers, if you are not happy you can change at any time to make sure you are receiving the support you need and deserve